Thursday, June 5, 2008

Status Report (May 26 - June 2)

Things that have been done last week:

1. Work on current implementation of interactive image segmentation (work with large images):

The current implementation crashes when large images (eg. 3008x2000) are loaded. This happened because of using double datatype for edge weight. Using float datatype solves the problem. However large images are still an issue because of long running time. To improve performance Lazy Snapping uses watershed filtering (basically any type of filtering that preserves the edges should work) which over-segments the image and thereby effectively reducing the number of required nodes. I'm also thinking about restricting the part of the image where mask is going to be created by asking the user to draw a bounding rectangle. Although this is not a general solution but its good enough for most cases. Also if I get time I'll try doing automatic segmentation using "Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation" algorithm.

I applied "Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation" on a 3008x2000 pixel ie. 6016000 nodes. It took about 2mins to process and the resulting number of nodes was 5657. Which is very good however, lower number of component means that some disparate regions will get merged. So, I've to find a parameter values that keeps the number of nodes to something like 100000 uniform sized regions.

2. Build a bare-bone GUI with toolbars that can load images.
Done and added to svn.

3. Work on designing the class diagram
Done and zargo files are added to svn.

4. Produce a rough outline of how the mask editor can be incorporated with the preview window:

I don't have a detailed plan of this but what I'm thinking is that the PanoPreviewPanel has to be replaced with MaskEdPanel which will work as the mediator between different components required for masking.

Plan for next week:
I'll be focusing more on the framework.
1. Work on current implementation of interactive image segmentation (work with large images, and restarting flow)
2. Use HuginBase::ImageCache to load images
3. Implement the classes and refine the design if necessary. Add features like drawing brush strokes and polygon
4. Use hugin base especially GlobalCmdHist and Command pattern and utilities for tracing
5. Apply watershed filtering to the images (tentative)

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