Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Status Report (June 24- June 30)

1. Partially ported the current implementation

Not done:
1. Use VIGRA watershed filtering from the LazySnapping class

Next 3 weeks
6th week (July 1 - July 7)
1. Use VIGRA watershed filtering from the LazySnapping class
2. Further work on interactive image segmentation
3. add option for choosing segmentation technique

7th week (July 8 - July 14) Midterm evaluation week
1. Apply segmentation on the overlapped region
2. work on preview window (eg. show images that are selected and not selected)
3. Select multiple images for display

8th Week (July 15 - July 21)
1. determine which image is being edited
2. Start working on integration with Hugin
3. Fine-tuning mask in polygon mode

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